Comments - 1697
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    @ASolidSnacklast year "Don't blame my wife" he says while heavily implying she's been indoctrinated by feminism into thinking she has rights 2232
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    @davidballantyne4492last year You gotta consider that to marry Crowder the ex-wife must have been a hardcore tradcon. So this wasn't just "my wife left me" it's "my wife came to despise me so much that it overcame her deeply rooted conservative views about wifely duties, family values, and the sanctity of marriage." ... 1274
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    @eman22017last year Crowder definitely tried to debate lord his wife into staying. Unfortunately, Sam Seder made a surprise appearance, causing him to flee. Really is tragic. 2647
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    @philwill0123last year He did the "don't blame my kids". Dude, they are under 2. No one was blaming the kids. At all. 707
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    @vicarious4231last year Never forget: Crowder is mad that he can't force his wife to stay in the marriage, he couldn't care less if she was unhappy 1469
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    @carlterwedow5000last year The funniest moment of crowder's career as a comedian is when his wife left him 620
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    @saintyoutube9356last year Tucker Carlson fired, Crowder’s wife left him, Alex Jones wife divorcing him, the whole Tennessee situation, Trump in court, Trump and DeSantis beefing. This last month-and-a-half has been fucking nuts for the right, goddamn ... 686
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    @99coconutslast year Wait until he finds out women can even vote without her husband or fathers consent 121
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    @jakeschattner3673last year Who knew Steven Crowder would be insufferable to be around.. 693
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    @smaradtlast year Having someone you love leave you is a truly painful experience and it can lead to a whole host of unsavory, jet understandable responses. But responding with: "I wish I could legally trap my ex in a marriage that makes them miserable" is on an entirely different level of psychopathy. ... 327
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    @thomasdendtler4077last year There's no risk of harm to his kids, he's just using them as shields for sympathy 457
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    @88mphDrBrownlast year "This is all my fault... for choosing a horrible woman" is something he actually said in total seriousness. 72
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    @rldubya82last year He literally can't claim that the divorce was mutual. He has to maintain this fiction that divorce is a moral failing. 474
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    @Glabur1last year 2 big things I’d like to point out:
    1.) Crowder says that his “only regret was picking wrong.” His ONLY regret.
    2.) Crowder wishes they weren’t getting divorced
    So he, essentially, admits that he and his wife are incompatible… but also shouldn’t get divorced. Crowder’s pretty much saying: “Being together makes you miserable, but it makes me happy and I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong, so we should stay together. I’d make you if I could!”
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    @jordanchen23last year She didn't "just decide" she didn't want to be married anymore. She still wants to be in a marriage, just not with him. 238
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    @glacierwolf2155last year Candace Owens once again proves that to make it in Conservative media, you have to be as vicious and uncompromising in your attacks as you can be. 1143
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    @CLaw-tb5gglast year "There's no infidelity or physical abuse" = "my wife just thinks i'm an asshole"
    Edit: and updates suggest Crowder is emotionally abusive
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    @3ld919last year I'm not surprised he got a divorce; I'm surprised he was married to a woman. 258
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    @jonathanjuarez5544last year Trump gets arrested, Carlson gets fired and now this? Could it be that the consequences are finally starting to catch up to grifter ghouls? 597
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    @krokodil7821last year BREAKING NEWS: crowders wife divorces him after finding out the left knows what the female orgasm is 123
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    @bluestone9857last year Steven Crowder isn't a red flag, he's a red beacon 126
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    @seanzibonanzi64last year Crowder doesn't paint his divorce as a "mutual decision" because he quite literally thinks a wife shouldn't be legally allowed to divorce their husband, which is why he mentions Texas marriage laws. 70
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    @KermitDominicanolast year Bro really said “it should be illegal for my wife to leave me” 😭😭😭 29
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    @crocvelast year "Listen up liberal - my wife left me"
    Memes leaking into real life.
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    @_____Astral_____last year jesus christ the stream just ended. whatever vaush is paying the editors isn't nearly enough 287
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    @TheRealAb216last year If he would have debated Sam he could have saved his marriage. She couldn't see him as an alpha anymore after he ran away from Sam. 125
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    @soul2squeezy439last year This is giving me that meme with Elon Musk and Kanye West, "Listen up Liberals, my wife left me" kind of vibes. lol 🤣😂 28
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    @Ironraven001last year Plot twist, his wife left him because he dressed in drag for those stunts and she's too much of a Tradcon wife to believe he's not going to groom their kids. 😂 27
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    @jordanchen23last year They kept it private not because they cared about you or your family's safety Steven.. They're supposed to be the brand of family values, so it doesn't help when those representing the brand can't walk the walk. ... 91
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    @peterbury9707last year Imagine having a $100m contract and your wife thinks you're not worth keeping... 49
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    @subcitizen2012last year God damn, literally wanting state intervention to save his marriage. No shame or humility, no self awareness, no sense of irony. 30
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    @davidjordan697last year It’s terrible when a lavender marriage comes to an end. 81
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    @maninaliftlast year Divorce has got to be much rougher on kids when one party didn't even think that it is legitimate for the other party to choose to end the relationship 65
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    @samiamrg7last year For the record, Steven Crowder’s kids are barely 2 years old. They’re not even in school yet. 70
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    @AegixDrakanlast year The fact that the dude's take out of all this was "She shouldn't have been allowed to leave" shows just how irredeemable he is. />Yeesh, zero sympathy for him whatsoever. I hope the wife and kids are gonna be ok after this. ... 87
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    @ASUV3323last year “My Wife left me! Change her mind!” LMAOOOO 😂😂😂 15
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    @mickeyrube6623last year " jargon"
    I'm glad he explained that the term "attorney" is legal jargon, because I felt stupid that I didn't know that "attorney" is just what a layman would call a "lawyer." ...
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    @rickor5036last year "I see it as my biggest failure", but not for not keeping the relationship afloat, but "because I picked wrong". 29
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    @livelongandtroll9108last year How long until "bisexual phase" Steven becomes "gay conservative" Steven? 23
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    @AdamKirbyMusiclast year I love when bad things happen to bad people. 100
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    @Zarastro54last year If his kids grow up to be liberals, or at least left of center, he is 100% going to blame his wife.
    Funny that he insists that it is basically nobody’s fault and you shouldn’t “blame” his wife or kids. However, he basically tacitly IS blaming his wife by absolving himself of any fault with the “I chose wrong” line and reiterating that it was only SHE who wanted the divorce. He essentially has no self awareness because he can’t see anything in his own behavior that might have driven his wife away (essentially right after having their kids no less) and she is “just being a bitch.” ...
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    @Philitron128last year He wants to force her to stay with him? Does he think that's a normal thing to say? 42
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    @connortobin3775last year Him not saying it was a mutual decision is 100% a religious dogwhistle. If he says it wasn't his fault, the Christians don't get angry at him for violating the "sanctity of marriage." After all, he didn't initiate the divorce, so how could he be held at fault? ... 14
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    @seankaiser2505last year "A woman that I still love" -> literally says he does not love her on ring home surveilance footage 8
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    @207humanitylast year Him saying that he’s been living with a boot on his neck for years, while simultaneously abusing, berating and restricting his own wife, is the epitome of hypocrisy. I could never stand this guy, always knew he’s a piece of work but this incident really sealed it for me. He’s a horrible human being, and I’m so glad and relieved he’s being exposed for the POS he really is. ... 6
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    @sparki9085last year He actually just sees his wife, a human being, as property. An object. Truly unhinged 64
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    @thehomerpimpsonlast year He is a deeply closeted gay man, change my mind 39
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    @ss-ds2dnlast year His insistence about his kids's innocence and blamelessness and the denouncement of no-fault divorce really touches on the conservative obsession with culpability and punishment. 11
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    @obamabut_based1974last year Crowders kids aren’t even in school yet. They’re toddlers 32
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    @butameremortal9424last year Okay I still don't understand who was gonna murder his kids cause he was divorcing?
    Sounds like a pretty sick group he has himself mixed up in.
    Who would think the children's PHYSICALLY would be harmed due to knowledge of impending divorce
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    @shlomgarlast year The reason he's asking not to blame the kids, is that he really wants people to harass his wife. He's doing everything to let everyone know it's her fault they're divorced. 12
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    @kylepatterson9389last year Fantastic to see Crowder entering his Divorced Dad arc with such gusto. 26
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    @sw309last year My parents "stayed together for the kids" and it was an awful situation. They still got divorced anyways, but after being miserable together for like 10 years. 37
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    @SilverDragonJaylast year It is so baffling how conservatives want more people to get married, but they also want to make marriage incredibly risky to the point where you might just end up trapped in a miserable relationship. Seriously, if you can't divorce whenever you want, why would you ever get married? When, if you aren't married, you can just leave whenever you want without consequence?
    Freedom though, am I right?
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    @erichansen2860last year Crowder's description of "my wife decided she didn't want to be married anymore" is what I've heard from right wing trad types. Note they don't say "married to me anymore." They frame it their wife rejected the whole institutional concept. ... 17
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    @travishimebaugh8381last year "Stop attacking my family"
    -Steven Crowder
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    @kiereanm3254last year My parents stayed married way longer than they should’ve been. Their divorce was nothing compared to the years of abuse my bio dad put me through because my mom was scared of what would happen if she left when we were minors ... 29
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    @tsrindahllast year I wonder if she said “I’m thinking about leaving you, change my mind.” 15
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    @IanMcGarrettlast year "Don't blame my wife." Wasn't going to.
    "My kids are blameless." Never thought otherwise.
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    @ismeal231last year Guess those "Change My Mind" segments were more effective than he intended....
    He managed to change his wifes mind about being married to him.
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    @alehernandez4373last year Wow Candace really hit him with the "idc whatevs lol" 12
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    @rabd3721last year As you basically said, Steven is choosing not to "save face" because it directly highlights one of his strongest political stances. He wants no-fault divorce banned, therefore he's trying to paint himself as the victim of an "evil liberal belief". ... 48
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    @dylan6386last year Steven keeps using his kids as a shield but we don’t even know if he has custody😂 8
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    @l0k0y014last year I think the thing with his family being at risk is about not having a man in the house. He thinks his family will be murdered if he is not sitting on his bed all night holding a shotgun. 8
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    @Alaskan-Armadillolast year In a way I feel bad for him because you can tell that he is devastated but it is also hard to feel bad for him because you can tell that he is using his trauma as a tool to impose his will on others. 21
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    @noxthemc7717last year The real mystery is how and why she married him in the first place 21
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    @DoctorBiobrainlast year Candace really is the queen of gaslighting. That term gets used too often but she’s a great example of what it is because she’s so obvious about it. 9
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    @spicegrilllast year Is this the conservative infighting that we've sought for so long? 7
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    @jamey545last year DUDE "I picked wrong" IS CRAZYYYYY bro is so broken rn 7
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    @Foxintoxlast year He put all his efforts into trying to prevent alphabet people from getting married and having families .
    In the end , not only did he fail , but he ended up destroying his own marriage . Karma is a bitch .
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    @madaemonlast year It's incredible how every sentence is another confession and he doesn't realize it. He hates that wives are no longer their husbands' personal property. He thinks the natural assumption when someone hears "divorce" is "it's the kids' fault." He worries his kids will get bullied at school for having divorced parents, because that's what he'd do (and guaranteed has done). His only mistake was that he "picked wrong," because a relationship doesn't require constant effort and input. Just what a rotten person to the very core; I hope the ex-wife gets sole custody. ... 6
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    @brandonmclaren4853last year The kids are not even school age. Like what is he talking about 8
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    @austindavis6855last year I didn’t realize how rare it is to have 2 parents that love and care for you until I got to college but man I got lucky with my home life 4
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    @fusionspace175last year I almost thought he was going to have a moment of self awareness when he said "it is my fault". But then he said "in that I picked wrong." You can tell I haven't watched a lot of his content, huh? 13
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    @KazRekablast year Vaush gushing about how nice his parents are is the dose of wholesome I needed this morning 4
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    @ilovebooksandmycats669last year i wonder what HE did to make the relationship so unbearable for her to leave, most the time women with under 18 y/o kids don’t just divorce unless the relationship is so unhealthy it’s even worse for the kids to witness, they’ll usually stay as roommates/co-parents till the kids grow up a bit ... 9
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    @NotimetoVerolast year What women are expected to endure for a marriage literally knows no bounds. Yet men, as much as they revere marriage, never consider being good people/husbands so their wives won’t leave them. 16
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    @farminstoltzfuslast year As much as Steven wants to keep it private, he went thru the effort of talking about it, bringing in Candace Owens and others and clipping it. Sam Seder got divorced a couple years ago. He said a little something on The Majority Report before the Fun Half and people could've easily missed it had they not been listening. ... 7
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    @cctomcat321last year The saddest thing is he can't even be human about this. I'd sorta maybe feel sorry for Crowder to the tiniest extent had he said something like, "I've been privately going through a divorce. It's been hard on everyone. I wanted to try and work through things, but she doesn't. That is what it is, now you know, please leave my family alone."
    I can't fault the dude for not being part of a mutual split. But to put it so grossly while implying his wife, or what she wants, doesn't matter explains a lot and robs the few drops of sympathy I would have for the dude if he could just have an honest moment. But he can't even humanize himself with this...
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    @angelikaskoroszyn8495last year When will conservatives learn what consent is? Like it shouldn't be that difficult. Both partners have to give free (not coerced) consent in order to make marriage work. I know, such a shocking idea 25
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    @kooken58last year Before No Fault devorce was legal. Male poisonings were much higher, oddly enough. 4
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    @evepoole3966last year Good! Now we can meme him till his second wife leaves him 15
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    @falsesenpailast year Isn'it weird that we on the left are always right but the people on the right keep getting left by their wives 4
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    @dakotamerriman872last year "In Texas not being a slave is permitted when one party doesn't want it." 3
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    @comedyman4896last year Really sucks for Crowder that we live in a world where women have rights. If only he could force his wife to do whatever he tells her. 4
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    @jasonpage8600last year she left him cos she had enough of that nightmare. i can't imagine what she had to put up with. 10
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    @Shogun1982last year That THUMBNAAAAIL!!!! 😆"My wife left me. Change her mind." That is just pure gold!! 🥇😂 3
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    @andynarain559last year If he wants to go to a place where there is no "no-fault divorce", he should move to Saudi Arabia. No one will miss him here, and he can take Tucker with him. 3
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    @Muffienuggetslast year I hope it's because she came out gay and he has to see her girlfriend everytime she picks up the kids. 7
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    @pgplumsparklelast year Back in the 50’s, you needed to go to Reno in order to obtain a divorce because no-fault divorce was pretty much outlawed in the United States during that point in time. 6
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    @greenghoul157last year The cope is so hard, you know you've reached the point of no return when even your trad wife won't be submissive to you 4
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    @_-_sinexus_-_last year "Sasuke how could you drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; but I still love you" is now my favourite sentence haha 3
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    @johnpoole3871last year Texas is too woke and progressive for you Steven Crowder. Maybe move to Mississippi or something. 4
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    @aleciaevans1717last year Women are so simple and dim witted all you have to do is a little two step and she falls for you. Lol… what 4
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    @ZeroN1neZerolast year “Girls lose all red flag detection if you do a little jig in front of them.”
    Yes, Vaush, I did let him hit because he’s goofy😔
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    @MrGksarathylast year I feel happy that Steven's kids no longer have to grow up with him present in their lives. Even if their mom is also a POS like Crowder, she doesn't have his clout, and it will probably be easier for them to not become like Steven.
    Also, totally agree with Vaush's take on good parenting. My own parents are much the same, and I remain incredibly grateful for their support, love, and compassion, even if there is friction between us over a few issues. My childhood friends definitely were jealous of me for having my parents, and I only truly realize why now.
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    @ilyafoskinlast year His wife probably discovered the secret walk-in closet panic room where he keeps all his dresses and make-up 3